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Cathedral Cove, near Whitianga on the Coromandel Peninsula, North Island, New Zealand. Thi




[ COCOON: an environment of protection and safety in which transformation takes place. ]



You are in a personal, safe and comfortable space where you will achieve concrete, time-efficient and lasting change.


Together we access the root ( rather than symptoms ) of issues stemming from unresolved experiences or trauma and clear them. 


This makes space for lasting peace and change, significantly improving your quality of life.






Anxiety - Abuse - Anger - Body Image - Confidence - Depression - Eating Disorders - Emotional Recovery after a serious Health Event -  Insomnia  - Fear of Abandonment - Fear of Failure  - Grief and Loss - Overwhelm - Panic Attacks - Procrastination  - Performance Anxiety - Post Partum Depression - PTSD - Self-Sabotage - Self Worth - Sexual Abuse - Stress - Trauma.

A healing process like no other. â€‹


Gabriella, Emergency Medicine Doctor, London - UK

 ©  2024

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