Meet your mind.
Conscious vs Subconscious: who wins?
Your mind is made of your Conscious and your Subconscious.
5% or less of your day is ran by your conscious mind.
It's the creative and thinking part of your mind, the place where you are aware.
This is where you may realise you wish you were thinking or behaving differently, your life circumstances were different, but being so powerless against the programmes in the huge machine that your subconscious is, this may generate a sense of frustration and helplessness.
Your subconscious is 1 million x more powerful than your conscious mind.
It automatically plays (positive or negative) programmes that have been put into it.
It runs the show 95% or more of your day, mostly with your conscious mind being unaware of it.
How is your subconscious programmed?
Your life experiences (positive or negative) that have a high emotional charge will form positive or negative programmes that your subconscious will run automatically and repeatedly.
This means these experiences influence your thoughts patterns, behaviour and actions, therefore your life.
In a very simplified way, it looks like this:
Negative life Experience, emotionally charged.
Negative Programme
Positive Programme
Positive Experience, emotionally charged.
How do those programmes translate in your life?
Negative Programmes (generated by negative life experiences) create negative filters which will influence your thoughts patterns, behaviour and actions, therefore aspects of your life in a negative way.
Just as Positive Programmes (generated by positive life experiences) create positive filters which will influence your thoughts patterns, behaviour and actions, therefore aspects of your life in a positive way.
Negative Filters
Negative Programme
Positive Programme
Negative thought patterns > negative behaviour > negative actions > undesired life circumstances.
Positive thought patterns > positive behaviour > positive actions > desired life circumstances.
Positive Filters

Real-life example
of a negative experience and its ramifications through life.
James is a 5 year-old boy sitting at a table with other kids at pre-school, colouring in a shape on paper, as requested by his teacher. James' colouring crosses the line of the shape a few times because his hand-eye coordination still needs improvement. That said, he is doing his best.
Negative life experience charged with high emotional intensity, which didn't find resolution
= trauma.
The teacher towers over him. He already feels uncomfortable. She lifts his work up in the air for all the classroom to see and asks the other children: "Do you think this is a good work?"
Trauma = planting the seed of limiting beliefs.
The high emotional intensity of this negative event (= a trauma) makes James create limiting beliefs about himself: "my work isn't good enough", "I am not good enough", "it isn't safe to be myself", "scary events happen when I produce work, I must be on my guard", "it is unsafe to put my work forward in front of others as I might get humiliated", "it is unsafe to be in a group as I might get humiliated", "being the centre of attention is unsafe", etc...
Limiting beliefs materialise into a programme that your subconscious downloads and starts playing over and over, throughout life.
The subconscious mind immediately downloads a programme based on this experience, designed to protect James in the future so that he can avoid being in a similar situation. It will send red flags (they may come through anxiety, panic attacks, anger, frustration, guilt, self-sabotage etc...) in various situations, ordering James to be on his guard as "danger" might be looming.
Ramifications through life
And so the vicious circle of negative patterns in James' life starts: anxiety about his work, associated with a feeling of helplessness, anxiety about school and later work, anxiety about being in a social setting, acute fear of not doing a good enough work, sadness about his self-worth etc... In his adolescent and adult life, this translates into being shy and isolated, being overly cautious in social settings, general low self-esteem, low confidence about his work, pushing away work projects and relationships by the shear fear of "screwing up", to quote him.
In fact, his fear of failure ruled his life when I met him and he struggled to make a decent living from his work or to form intimate relationships, seeing the world with with acute anxiety, guilt, sadness, helplessness and frustration.
Of course he was aware that there were things he was supposed to do to be more successful (conscious mind at work), but something was holding him from doing them (subconscious, 1 million times more powerful and playing the "I'm a failure" programme) and he couldn't understand what it was.
Resolution during consultation
With my guidance, we opened the door to his subconscious and uncovered this trauma (among a few others on the same theme) - which he had completely forgotten about - and the negative beliefs he had made about himself on that day.
We neutralised the negative programme that was consequently created and that had been running all his life to the day of our session.
James is now in a place where he feels the fog has been lifted, he has gained a lot more clarity in his life about the direction he wants to take, but he also has acquired a much stronger self-confidence and feels empowered to do what he wants to achieve. This has already started to show in his work and in the way he handles private relationships.
A positive experience could have generated the following scenario...
The teacher comes to James and praises him for trying hard or for doing his best. James experiences pride, and happiness about himself and his work. He might have created the following positive self-beliefs: "good things happen when I try hard", "I like to receive praise in a group, this gives me confidence", "it feels good to try new things", "I feel safe in a social setting", "I enjoy school/ a work environment because I am respected", "it is safe to be myself", or "I enjoy working because I feel empowered" etc...
The beauty is that with EFT and Matrix re-imprinting, we can go back into that memory, switch James' limiting beliefs about himself into positive ones, just as if the teacher on that day had behaved in a supportive way, and replace the negative programme that was downloaded at the time by a positive one. With these new filters in place, James now sees himself differently, his thought pattern changes, ultimately transforming his current reality into a positive one.

When we become aware we want to change something about ourselves or our life...
This is the hard part of the job done!
Because our conscious mind's power is so light against our subconscious' (1 million x more powerful) and is running 5% or less over our day, we are mostly unaware that specific negative programmes are running our life and translate into all sorts of negative emotions, behaviours, physical ailments, choices and actions, thus generating negative life experiences and circumstances.
When we become aware that our negative life circumstances are the results of negative programmes being ran in our subconscious, the one logical thing to do is to find them, access them and neutralise them.
This is what I do and where I can help.