Hi there!
My name is Leo, I am a certified therapist using selected aspects of various therapies (integrative therapy) to help my clients achieve measurable results in a time-efficient manner (more here).
I live in London, UK and consult in various countries over Europe and in the USA via video sessions.
I used to run a marketing team for a corporation in the City of London until I left to see my kids grow up (and to create a small publishing company, with the mission to enrich childhoods).
I always wanted to bring a positive and concrete impact on people's quality of life and felt that my publication business, although successful, wasn't enough to achieve this.
This practise is the best way to change not just someone's life, but people in their direct circle too because positive change, in mindset, behaviour and therefore life circumstances, gets passed on. Your mindset travels and persists in those around you!
I am fluent in both English and French, which allows me to help people speaking those languages.

In February 2024 I became an associate member of the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
How I became a therapist.
I am forever grateful that a consultation with a psychiatrist turned into a sizeable disappointment and consequently put me on a fantastic path.
After leaving my career in the City, I decided to get support to overcome acute anxiety, low mood and traces of past traumas that had been bothering me.
I booked an appointment with a doctor in which I made it clear I didn't want my first step in this journey to be with prescription drugs (I didn't pose a threat to myself or to others).
I was open to try first any other non-chemical methods, see where that took me and take it from there.
My doctor was not listening...
However, my doctor immediately encouraged me to take medications ("to tone the symptoms down", he said), and to meet with a psychiatrist to get a referral for CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) - and possibly more drug prescriptions.
I have absolutely nothing against prescription drugs; I am not a medical professional and I have no place to comment on who should or not take medication. It just wasn't what I wanted to explore as a first step.
The psychiatrist did not listen either.
My biggest disappointment came during a consultation with a highly respected London-based psychiatrist which lasted no longer than 20 minutes, during which I sat through a hard-sell pitch on why I should very much consider taking prescription drugs, with no proper justification, completely ignoring my intention.
At no point during the consultation was there any effort to explore the source of my anxiety, what was actually behind the symptoms. Of course I left with the prescription in my pocket (I felt forced to take it at the time), £200 lighter for the consultation and with a huge sense of disappointment and abandonment. The expert didn't listen and didn't even bother to try and dig a little bit to find out the roots of my issues in order to recommend the best path for me.
I went on to do CBT, which partially and temporarily helped but eventually the symptoms came back.
Soon after I was voicing my frustration with a scientist friend (I mention "scientist" because the fact she holds two masters in Science added a lot of credibility to her introduction of EFT and Matrix Re-imprinting to me (the therapies I now practice): after all, we have been conditioned to believe that it takes a lot of time, emotional pain (and money!) to mentally heal ourselves. Also, I tend to be a sceptic until I see concrete results. She casually did EFT and Matrix on me, so I could get a flavour.
The rest is history.
I was immediately blown away by the results (she neutralised the effects of a major childhood trauma in one session). Events I couldn't even speak of without being heavily triggered had suddenly no effect over me and wouldn't emotionally affect me, my decision-making or my attitude in my every-day life. (Click here to see Scientific evidence of EFT).
Negative charges I had been carrying for decades had lost their power over me.
I started to feel lighter, empowered, free and I never looked back.